Sustainable & Eco Friendly

A curated collection of some of the Eco and Sustainable products we offer in our store. As so many of our brands are environmentally aware, we have curated a collection here containing some of our most popular items. 

Our commitment to sustainable packaging.

Here at the STEAM kids warehouse we have a strong commitment to re-using and recycling as much packaging as we can. With so much stock arriving each day to our warehouse, we have a steady supply of all types of packaging to re-use. 

As much as possible we use compostable satchels to ship your order, however in recent times world wide supply issues have resulted in some shortages, and we do hope to return to our 100% sustainable satchels by mid 2021. 

We recycle 100% of the cardboard boxes we receive in our warehouse, and often your order will arrive wrapped in recycled cardboard, repackages boxes, recycled paper, or a combination of both! 

Sometimes your order may also include bubble wrap, packing foam, packing noodles, plastic air pockets etc. The majority of these items are not purchased new by our team, we have simply choosen to re-use them (rather than add them to landfil). We encourage you to re-use as much of our packaging as possible! 

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