Bees need our help! Introducing the Bee Hotel

Bees need our help!
Bee populations in Australia are in decline. Due to the growth of our towns and cities habitats have changed, and have had an impact on bee populations world wide. So, what can you do to help the bees? Give them a home!
The Bee Hotel is the perfect way to give your local bees a shelter; It's designed to be similar to the inside of native beehives, and it can accommodate more bees than you can shake a stick at (which is not advised).
The Bee hotel is made of natural wood and bamboo, and its natural design makes it the perfect addition to any garden!
How can I attract bees to my Bee Hotel?
There are many simple but effective ways you can attract native bees to your Bee Hotel:
- Bees love variety! Make sure you have a range of flowers in your garden. Your garden and bee population will benefit from both native and exotic species. Bees particularly love bottle brush, gum trees, and wattles, among other species.
- Make sure you include pollen rich species in your garden which will provide the bees with food all year round. Consider mixing plants which pollinate at different times of the year so your bees will never go hungry.
- Clear a space in your garden which is free from mosquito traps, insect repellent and any other objects which might harm your bees.
- Don't put your Bee Hotel up too high! If it is up too high in a tree, then the bees may not know it is there. Instead, make sure your bee hotel is a few meters above ground, near your flowers.
Size: 20 x 17.3 x 7.3cm
Made from sturdy FSC timber and bamboo hollows
Comes fully assembled. No DIY necessary!